Friday, December 28, 2007

_ze dos frangos_

in case you kids out there are wondering, 'how should i spend all my hard-earned holiday money?' well, i have just the right thing for you ...take a digital trip on over to ze_dos_frangos and buy some fantastically fantastic music with european flavour. all proceeds got to getting us (nathan and i) to austin, texas so that we may perform at the sxsw music festival.

don't think ...just do.

Monday, December 03, 2007

_vitesse radsport gmbh_

last friday a friend and i went to check out a little cycling shop in germany called vitesse radsport. we had heard that they had some old track and road bikes as well as other vintage jerseys and parts. most of the vintage stuff wasn't for sale, but it was nice to look at all the same.

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